Urdu Times UK, Carven-e-Adab (UK) and Wirsa (UK) organised a cultural evening in Manchester. Mr Tahir Chaudhry, Managing Editor, Urdu Times UK, invited a member of the SMEthod team to present project results at the event. Dr Fahad Hassan from Lancaster University represented the SMEthod team and gave a presentation to the audience attending the main event of the cultural evening.

Fahad presented the aims and objectives of SMEthod to the public attending the event. He discussed the significance of SMEthod’s work for SME’s. He briefed them on how SMEthod’s research for better segmentation of SMEs would be beneficial for general public, SMEs and funding agencies; enabling them to better understand the type of support required for small and medium businesses in Europe.

Afzal Khan, MP for the Manchester Gorton and Shadow Minister for State for Immigration, thanked the organisers to arrange the evening. He appreciated the SMEthod’s work especially creating awareness of such researches among the public.

More than three hundred members of public attended the event. The story of the event was also published in different newspapers.
