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Promoting the work of the SMEthod project


The SMEthod team arranged a meeting with Mr. Tahir Hussain, Managing Director Urdu Times UK (Urdu Times UK is a news paper published in Urdu and English Languages and distributed nationally). Mr Hussain was presented with an overview of SMEthod and its work and discussed various ways of promoting SMEthod. Mr Hussain has shown interest in publishing a news article and this will be written by the SMEthod team and in conjunction with the Lancaster University Press Office.

Plans were also made to meet with Mr. Sabra Raza, General Secretary of Association of Asian Businesses, Greater Manchester. During this meeting it was agreed that we could hold a session at their next meeting on the 19th November 2018 in order to present our work and findings to date.

In Lancaster, at the University we have strengthened links with our Enterprise and Business centres who are keen to work with academics to improve engagement with SMEs and increase the number of new businesses starting up.


©2017-2020 SMETHOD

This project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777491.

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