Mr. Sabar Raza, General Secretary, Association of Asian Businesses, Greater Manchester invited a member of the SMEthod team (UK) to present their work to the Asian Business Community in their Annual meeting.

Dr Fahad Hassan, represented the SMEthod team at the meeting. He presented the aims and objectives of the SMEthod to the Asian Business Community of Manchester. He also apprised the members about the project findings to date. He briefed them on how SMEthod’s research for better segmentation of SMEs would be beneficial for SMEs and funding agencies; enabling them to better understand the type of support required for small and medium businesses in Europe.

Mr. Sabar Raza and other members of the Association of Asian Businesses, Greater Manchester showed a keen interest in the work and having access to the final report. It was agreed in the meeting that further contacts would be made and that SMEthod UK would keep the association updated with new information as it was released.