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4th Project Partner Meeting in Helsinki


Updated: Sep 25, 2019

The 4th SMEthod project partner meeting took place on 25th – 26th June in Helsinki. It was hosted by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. The main aim of the meeting was to look back at the achievements and plann the next steps.

On the first day, a focus was given to WP3 „Development of SMEthod methodology for segmenting innovating SMEs” which needed to be finalized during the summer. The project partners also discussed the past dissemination and communication activities and set the plan for the next months, which could increase the awareness of the project.

The first day was concluded by some external presentations which gave the partners insights into Finnish business and innovation culture:

- The case Tekes (Business Finland) dashboard on the Finnish start-up scene presented by Vainu:

- Business Finland Start-up and Fast Growth presented by Business Finland:

- Innovation performance measurement in SMEs showed by Lappeenranta University of Technology.

The second day was dedicated mostly to WP4 „Decision support system development and cloud deployment”. The 4th project meeting finished with the discussion about future project activities.



©2017-2020 SMETHOD

This project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777491.

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